What ALL Therapists Need to Know About ASD!
Recent advancements in the field of psychology have significantly reshaped our understanding of autism spectrum disorders, and the many ways symptoms of ASD, can manifest for adults. Tragically, too many providers remain ignorant to the expression of ASD in adult client’s leading to catastrophic clinical mismanagement and the perpetuation of a false, and outdated stereotype regarding what it means to be on the autism spectrum.

Why Some Do and Others Don’t. The 9 Key Factors Common to Addiction
Why do some people become addicted to drugs and alcohol while others don't? This is the question we spent years looking to answer. As it turns out, while there isn't one thing that causes someone to become addicted, there are factors common to those who do. Here are the 9 key factors common to those who do become addicted.

7 Facts You Need To Know About Alcohol and Probably Don’t
Important facts you need to know about alcohol, alcohol abuse, addiction, alcoholism, that most people don't.

What The **** Does Being Present Even Mean?
What the Bleep Does Being Present Even Mean and why it is so important?

Moving On From Lost Love
How to move on from heartache, lost love, or finding love again after divorce. How to speed up the process.

How To Take A Walk… Mindfully
All this talk about mindfulness, here we help you to learn how to take a walk mindfully. What just may be the easiest way to heal your mind, brain, and body all at once.

Finding A Soul Mate Over 40!
Finding love again after divorce or a terrible breakup can seem insurmountable. Here we explore how to move on and open the door to finding your soul mate later in life.

Fact or Fiction? Are Women Right About What Men Want?
Dating Facts or Fiction? Are the Beliefs Women Have About Men & Dating True? What all women need to know about how men really feel, especially women over 40!

How To Talk To Your Kids About Drugs, Alcohol & Addiction
How and when to talk to your kids about drugs, alcohol, and addiction. What all parents need to know about how to have these difficult conversations with their children.

25 Quotes About Addiction & Recovery
25 addiction quotes. Quotes about addiction and recovery.